[수상] Many congratulations. Woo-hyun Park, who is starting a master's degree at the MNBS laboratory, won a silver prize at the KIT Engineering Fair for developing a solenoid valve-based automated flow control system.
기간: 2021. 12. 08
주제: 솔레노이드 밸브 공압제어를 이용한 능동형 유동 컨트롤 시스템 개발
-Jan 2nd, 2022
[연구프로젝트 선정] Many congratulations. The Munition and Aviation Technology Team of Department of Aeronautic, Mechanical and Electronic Convergence Engineering, which our lab participated in, was selected for the 4th stage BK21 project and received scholarships for graduate students.
BK21 국방항공융합사업단, 연구재단
기간: 2020. 09 - 2027. 08
주제: 국방 항공 분야 지역인재 양성 및 소재/부품/장비 핵심기술 개발
-Jan 11th, 2021
[연구프로젝트 선정] Many congratulations. Our laboratory has been selected as a Regional Excellent Scientist Support Project implemented by the National Research Foundation of Korea and will receive research funding for the next five years.
지역우수과학자 지원 사업, 연구재단
기간: 2020. 06 - 2024. 12
주제: 미세유체기술과 SERS 분광 기술을 결합한 수질 모니터링 플랫폼 개발
-Jan 11th, 2021
[논문 출판] Many congratulations. A new research paper entitled "Low-Electric-Potential-Assisted Diffusiophoresis for Continuous Separation of Nanoparticles on a Chip" was published as a result of a joint study with UNIST in Lab on a Chip, one of the best peer review journals of the microfluidic research fields.
대표저자: 이경훈, 이종완, 김민석*, 김태성*
논문제목: Low-Electric-Potential-Assisted Diffusiophoresis for Continuous Separation of Nanoparticles on a Chip
-June 23th, 2020
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the Best Paper Award of the Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Engineering (ETME) which is a promising international conference made by KSME, JSME, and CMES.
대표저자: 김민석, Jongyoon Han
논문제목: Disinfection of Bacterial Pathogens using Electric-field Induced Vortices
-Aug 19, 2018
[수상] Many congratulations. Dr. Minseok Kim was awarded the 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. He has been selected to receive this prestigious award as a result of his hard work and dedication to his professional area. The winners are featured on the Marquis Lifetime Achievement website at no cost.
[세계 인명사전 프로필 등재] In addition, Dr. Kim's profile is listed into Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2018.
1899년 처음 발간된 마퀴스 후즈후는 케임브리지 IBC와 ABI에서 발간하는 인명사전과 함께 세계 3대 인명사전으로 간주된다. 매년 정치, 경제, 과학기술, 사회 등 각 분야에서 영향력을 발휘한 인물을 선정해 프로필과 함께 업적을 등재한다고 한다. 분야별 이름과 프로필이 적힌 책을 출판해 판매하고 있는데 온라인으로도 등록된 사람들의 이름을 확인할 수 있다.
-Oct 3, 2018
[표지논문 선정] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the front cover of Analytical Chemistry 2017, Issue 89(19). Analytical Chemistry is one of the most representative journals among analytical chemical research sectors.
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Nanoscale Hydrodynamic Film for Diffusive Mass Transport Control in Compartmentalized Microfluidic Chambers
-Oct 3, 2017
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Dr. Minseok Kim at MIT was awarded Travel grant in the amount of $1,000 from the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) for attending MicroTAS 2106 held in Dublin, Ireland where he had an oral presentation.
대표저자: 김민석, Jongyoon Han
논문제목: Electroconvective Vortex-Assisted Continuous Bacterial Lysis For DNA/RNA Analysis
-Oct 09, 2016
[표지논문 선정] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the inside front cover of Nanoscale 2016, Issue 8(18).
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Cracking-assisted fabrication of nanoscale patterns for micro-/nanotechnological applications
-May 5, 2016
[표지논문 선정] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the front cover of Analytical Chemistry 2015, Issue 87(22).
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Crack-photolithography for membrane-free diffusion-based micro/nanofluidic devices
-Nov 15, 2015
[경진대회 수상 & 뉴스 하이라이트] Many congratulations. Minseok Kim was ranked into the top place at the Mechanical Engineering division of 21st SAMSUNG HumanTech Paper Contest, which was highlighted in many news media, including 중앙일보.
수상자: 김민석
논문제목: "Cracking-Photolithography" for high-throughput and Mixed-scale Nanopatterning and Nanofluidic Applications
상금 및 특전: 트로피, 상금 1천 만원, 갤럭시탭, 삼성전자 특별채용 (은상 이상 수상자)
-Feb 11, 2015
[수상] Many congratulations. Minseok Kim was awarded the Excellent Ph.D. thesis award from the Mechanical Engineering department of UNIST.
수상자: 김민석
논문제목: Membrane-Integrated and Membrane-Free Micro and Nanofluidics for Accurate Molecular Transport in Biological Assays
-Feb 24, 2015
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the Excellent Paper Award of the KSME 2014 conference.
대표저자: 김민석
공동저자: 김태성
논문제목: 세포농도 및 배양환경의 프로그래밍이 가능한 미세세포배양 장치의 개발과 이를 이요한 우량균주 고속 대량 스크리닝
-May 22, 2015
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the BEST paper award (post session) in the 17th Korean MEMS Conference.
대표저자: 김민석
공동저자: 김태성
논문제목: 나노패터닝 및 나노플루이딕 장치 개발을 위한 크랙-포토리소그래피 공정
-Apr 04, 2015
[뉴스 하이라이트] Many congratulations. Our paper published in Nature Communications was highlighted at many news media, including YTN 사이언스, 중앙일보, 디지털타임즈, 파이낸셜뉴스, 서울경제, 경상일보, 울산매일, 울산종합일보, 전자신문, etc.
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Cracking-assisted photolithography for mixed-scale patterning and nanofluidic applications
-Feb 18, 2015
[뉴스 하이라이트] Many congratulations. Our paptent was highlighted as an article in the Ulsan Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
발명자: 김민석, 김태성
특허: 미세 세포 배양장치 (10-2013-0089699)
-Feb 3, 2014
[표지논문 선정] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the inside front cover of Analyst 2013, issue 138(5).
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Ion concentration polarization in a single and open microchannel induced by a surface-patterned perm-selective film
-Mar 07, 2013
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the Excellent Poster Award of the KSME 2013 conference.
대표저자: 김민석
공동저자: 김태성
논문제목: 나노공극박막과 압타머로 기능화된 마이크로튜블을 이용한 극미량 바이오물질 포집장치
-May 24, 2013
[장학금] Many congratulations. Minseok Kim was awarded UNIST Elite Fellowship $ 30,000/year from 03/2012 to 02/2015, UNIST (연간 3천만원 for 3년)
He was also nominated as a recipient of the Global Ph.D. Fellowship by National Research Foundation.
-May 01, 2012
[학술대회 수상] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the BEST paper award in Bioengineering division of the KSME 2012 conference.
대표저자: 김민석
공동저자: 김영미, 김태성
논문제목: Linear and non-linear concentration gradient generation of a PDMS-hybrid device for bacterial chemotaxis assay
-Mar 30, 2012
[표지논문 선정] Many congratulations. Our paper was selected as the front cover of the Issue 136(16) of Analyst
대표저자: 김민석, 김태성
논문제목: Microfluidic device for analyzing preferential chemotaxis and chemoreceptor sensitivity of bacterial cells toward carbon sources
-Aug 21, 2011
[뉴스 하이라이트] Many congratulations. Our research was highlighted as a news article in the American Chemical Society (ACS C&EN).
-Nov 3, 2010
"It's a really practical device," says Shuichi Takayama, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who admires the chip’s ability to test six gradients at once. "I would be interested in using it," says Douglas Weibel, a University of Wisconsin, Madison, researcher who also uses microfluidics devices to study bacterial chemotaxis. He thinks that the new chip could address cellular differences in migrating bacteria populations -- for instance, how cells on the leading edge of migrating bands differ in protein expression from those at the trailing edge.